The Pig Roast

Created by jrd1138 10 years ago
At DeVry we had equipment known as Communication Trainers. The students used them in their electronics program. One summer the Kansas City DeVry campus asked for help from around the system. They were short about a half dozen Comm. Trainers for their summer classes. Since the Chicago campus had some extras, Sam, as the Campus President, agreed to send them to the KC campus. The trainers were packed up in aluminum shipping cases that were foam lined to protect them enroute. The KC campus was so thankful that when they sent the cases back, they contained several cases of cold Coors beer! At that time Coors was not available east of the Mississippi since it was always shipped cold, so getting this windfall of cold Coors only meant one thing – Party!! Sam decided that we needed to have a barbecue to take advantage of our largess. He would get a whole pig to cook, we would keep the beer cold till the weekend, and he talked John and Nancy Petrik into hosting the whole thing. Since Sam knew what he was doing regarding the barbeque he was in charge the whole way. He and I got up early on Sunday and he got the pig rubbed down with all his spices and on the spit and cooking by about 8:00. Then by 9:00 I think we had the first of the cold Coors. The fire may have been a little hotter than expected because rather than taking 6-7 hours to cook, it was done by noon. So by the time everyone else gathered by the middle of the afternoon, the pig was long past done. But we all enjoyed it anyway, and especially with the cold beer to help it down. Jerry Dill