Our Wedding

Created by jrd1138 10 years ago
A story about Sam has to be a story about Sam and Chris. I can’t think of one without thinking of them both. When Jerry and I were planning our wedding in 1975, we had gotten to know Sam and Chris and their kids quite well by that time. Sam and Jerry had started at DeVry Chicago in 1973 and had carpooled to work a number of times from Evanston. So when the time came for the wedding, we knew that most of my family would not be able to make it to Chicago from Columbus, so I asked Sam to walk me down the aisle and for Chris to be matron of honor. They both agreed and also graciously offered their home for the reception. Chris even made her dress that she wore for the wedding. And Granny flew in from California, as she had adopted us as her family as well. I remember when Sam and I began to process down the aisle, he seemed to be as nervous as I was. With his long stride and quicker pace, it felt as though we were racing down that aisle. I gently pulled back on his arm to signal to "slow down". He turned to look at me and then broke out in the biggest grin, understanding my message, then continued on at a slower pace. The ceremony couldn't have been more beautiful. I felt very honored to have Sam escorting me down the aisle on my wedding day in lieu of my father. Sam and Chris had so graciously taken Jerry and I into their family, it seemed natural that both of them were an integral part of our wedding day. Although Jerry and I moved back to Ohio and Sam and Chris moved to California, the geographical distance has never lessened the love I feel for both of them. We may be saying farewell to Sam today, but he remains with us in our memories that we will cherish forever. The smile and laughter live on. May God bless and keep you dear friend. Becky Dill
